
Wednesday, September 5, 2007


this is just a practice. This is Megan showing Mom how to use blogger! Everyone add her to your links so we can get updates while she is out on the road


NanaB said...


Chris said...

Way to go Nana B! You are da bomb!

Emily said...

Go, Mom! I'll have to share this with the Arnette girls!

ducklips said...


I can't wait to hear about and see all the cool things you will write about on your trip.

ducklips said...

ahem, I just noticed I am not on your links. Do we need to have a talk?

Merilee said...

mom, this is going to be so cool!

megan said...

sorry elise I did mom's links so you will have to be mad at me. I was doing them in a hurry and trying to show mom how to do them at the same time so I just missed your link. Sorry I will add it on when I rememebr moms password.

Emily said...

Mom? Aren't you on the road? Where are the updates?

Emily said...

No, mom is not on the road. Sorry, Momma!