
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dad is home doing well

Dad has been home from the hospital for 2 weeks now. We have been walking most everyday. He has driven his truck as far as the barber to get a hair cut. We went to part of church last week. He still tires very quickly., but he's getting better. We are just so grateful for the pnumonia so that the doctors went looking. We are also so grateful to all the doctors and nurses at St. Joseph's hospital. They were awesome! We are also grateful for our children who offered what they could to help out. Some were there to visit. Some gave blessings. Some sat with me during the 6 and a half hour surgery. Some were far away and called and offered prayers. Thank you all. All expressions of concern were appreciated. And thanks to Church friends for all their kindnesses. How blessed we are because of you.

3 comments: said...

Love you Mom and Dad!

Emily said...

Hi, Momma! Glad to see you here. I talkd to Daddy for a few yesterday, but you weren't home. I think you went to a RS dinner, but he couldn't remember. He got out something about that, though.

Merilee said...

So glad dad is doing so well. Wish I could have been there to sit and wait with you.

Yay, for a new post!