
Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 1. Ah May, not quite the MAGIC MONTH, in October we are looking forward to the weather change, but pretty close. Happy Birthday Monique. I am home with stomach flu, so that is not so great, but in the next week Mo has her birthday, I have mine on Cinco De Mayo, our grand daughter, Sidney is getting baptized, and the horses run in Kentucky for the Roses. The pagentry is so fun. We have not yet perfected our virgin Mint Julips, but we are working on it. This year I might try Sonic's Lime slushes with a bit of mint added, that is, if I can face food by then.
And whenever else can we put on a hat whether the sun shines or not? Happy May 1st to everyone!

2 comments: said...

Thank you Mom! I hope you are feeling better soon. btw, I really like our mint juleps and think they get better every year, but that lime slush idea sounds good too.

ducklips said...

So sorry I couldn't make it up to the hospital to watch the derby. We did watch it, but it wasn't the same with out you.

Hope Dad is doing better. Tell him I love him and I will be up tomorrow afternoon or evening.