
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today is April 30. That means many things. It was the last day to pay my bills and get them in on time.Got that done! It was the last day for me to register my car without a penalty. Got that done! An it is the day before my oldest daughter's birthday. My husband, Bob has been in the hospital for 1 week. If you read my blog, you probably read my daughter Megan's blog and so you know that Bob had a stroke last week. His doctor has not been very encouraging as to his prognosis, but we remain hopeful, because of what we have seen rehabilitation accomplish in the past and because we have faith in what the Lord can do. This week has produced highs and lows in his progress. First, it was so hard watching as he had to have seven feeding tubes placed before they were able to get one into the right place. Yesterday they finally got it working. Sunday he was moved out of ICU into the neurological med area. Sunday and Monday seemed to stretch into eternity as Bob remained so sleepy he couldn't really be evaluated for rehab. Then Tuesday dawned and he seemed to suddenly awaken and be ready to take on every challenge. He was so awake, I asked him if he could say my name. He tried, but could not. I asked if he could say his name, Bob. He said "Bob". I jumped up and down and clapped. He responded by saying"Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob", maybe a dozen times. WOW! A few minutes later, his speech therapist came in. When I told her what had happened, she asked him if he could count to ten. She started counting and he joined her, going on to ten. Double WOW! That wasn't the end. He also was able to swallow a few items that he was tested with, so hopes began to soar thinking that Bob might not have to have that feeding tube after all. No such luck. His doctor was afraid that he would not get enough nutrition from his little tiny sips. But he also had a good physical therapy session that day. Yesterday Bob slipped back to his semi sleepy state, but he did start his feeding tube, after being taken to radiology to insert it for the eighth time. Today he was still sleepyish and somewhat congested and had diareah. He coughed so hard this evening that he coughed up his feeding tube. When they said they were going to put it back in, I had to leave. I felt so guilty walking away after I said good bye, when he had to stay, but for today I just couldn't watch him go through anything more. So April 30 may not be such a great day after all. Love you, Bob. Hope you'll forgive me.

3 comments: said...

Mom, you are such an angel and there is nothing to forgive you for. Dad knows how much you love him and we all know how much you care. We love you both.

Merilee said...

Miss ya Mom. Give Dad a great big hug for me. We love you guys so much.

Emily said...

What my sisters said. I love you, Mom and Dad. Look for me on May 27th-ish.