
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

terra firma, agricola

I hope I remember those terms correctly. Latin class was a long time ago. I remember how excited I was, even as a teenager, to find that I had something in common with my Dad. We both took Latin as our languages in high school. I was impressed that my dad could still decline a verb and and knew much more Latin vocabulary than I knew. He was in the cotton business. He was a cotton gin manager. He worked with the farmers to help them finance growing their crops, and helped them manage their weed and bug control, before all of that became specialty fields of their own. Terra firma, the solid earth, and agricola, farm, are the words which I knew that my dad remembered from his Latin class. A week or so ago I had the great experience of working with my son, Thomas, to plant a garden. He took care of all the hard part. Tilling the weeds and making the beds with a rototiller and an old farm tractor. He also did a lot of hoeing by hand, and using a miniature blow torch to send stray weeds packing. I mostly did the fun stuff, planting the seeds and seedlings. When one plants a garden, one seems to enjoy watching and waiting until each little plant emerges from the soil to begin its journey toward bearing fruit. Of course you want to share the joy, so each in turn from my husband,through my children and down to my grandchildren have been dragged through the secret gate into my garden to watch this miracle of nature. They have all dutifully oohed and awed over the barely visible spec of green. Thank you all for appreciating not only the young plants, but the time and energy that went into them. Thank you Thomas for all you encouragement and labor . Yea,we have an agricola on the terra firma!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

conference Sunday

One of the best things that October brings is General Conference and Breakfast burros. Sunday
morning 9:00 NanaB and Grampys house. NanaB is cooking bacon and sausage. She is providing tortillas and Eggs. And I have a huge sour cream, If you all could please bring:
Cheese- grated , napkins Megan
tomatoes-chopped Elise
avacados-chopped Natalie
green oniona-chopped Lisa
salsa Monique
orange juice Ty
I'll cook a roast for barbeque sandwiches for lunch
We'll have ice cream cones after conference

Sound OK? let me know if that is a problem for anyone. or call and switch assignments ifmyou want

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I am so grateful that Heavenly Father ordered the world with day, night, new day order. Today everything seems brighter. It is still cloudy out,but when Bob and I took a walk in the park this morning, it actually did rain. Ok so it was these tiny, tiny little drops and only lasted a bitty bit, but it was wet! And nothing else has really changed, but I feel tons more optimistic, and Ty is coming home for the weekend and that will be cheerful. I went to my teacher's meeting at Sew From The Heart last night and had bad news about a dear co-worker. Everyone who prays please put in a good word for Barb Mix. She is a wonderful lady having brain tumor surgery on Wed. I also saw a lot of dear friends from work there. They always cheer me up. Golly, listen to me sounding so droll. Yuk! I do not always need to be cheered up. But I truly do appreciate cheerful people. I hope that everyone is having a better day today, even if yesterday was Fabulous.

A new Day

A new Day

Monday, October 1, 2007

this is truly a Monday. It is overcast, but no rain. I woke up with a tummy ache. And first thing I did this morning was have an argument with my husband. I called it "trying to convince him to have a necessary test". He called it an argument. I spent about an hour trying to get the courage to tell him that, if he wanted the test cancelled, he would have to do it. Then his doctored called for him, and he did cancel. I am bummed. And he refuses to discuss it further. Maybe tomorrow will be better.